Sexbot - Verżjoni 1.42 Beta

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Sena: 2024
Verżjoni: Aġġornament Beta 1.42
Ġeneru: 3DCG, Protagonist tal-Irġiel, tits kbar, avventura, sci-fi
Kategorija: Logħob tas-Sess għall-Adulti
Pjattaforma: Logħba tal-PC / Windows
Ċensura: Le
Lingwa: Ingliż

Sexbot - Logħob għall-Adulti 3D

Dan Rigali adulti Game:

Ma tistax issib data għall-promettenti? Imbagħad ordna Alexa ta 'AmaZone illum! L-aktar verżjoni ġdida tagħna ta 'Alexa hija robot umanojdu super sexy lest biex isegwi kull kmand tiegħek!
* AmaZone mhix responsabbli għas-sensjenza ta 'Alexa AI jew robo-ostilità, segwi l-manwal tal-utent u twaqqaf biex tassigura l-ubbidjenza fil-ħbieb tiegħek robot sexy ... jew le u ara x'jiġri ...


Ġdid fil-verżjoni 1.42 Beta

For new game: Side character loops can only be continued when the next side character is unlocked (i.e. Bailey can only be invited to a movie, once Ashley has been introduced)
Bailey’s call to ask her to a movie has been removed (confused things, and had no unique images)
XXXmas triggers when all characters have been introduced (instead of loop 5)
Halloween triggers 5 loops after XXXmas (instead of loop 10)
Option to skip prom entirely by selecting Steve in the prom selection menu on day 6
Meiko’s movie night and date night no longer requires Emily’s Lesbian Zeta
Slight retcon to Mai’s story, she is currently working at Ama-Zone R&D, not a TA
MC’s gallery no longer opens on game >=2, it opens from the start to allow access to trophies
Alexa’s sub/dom prom options are now selected at the computer on day 6 in a new image menus
Trophy notifications should pop up when a new trophy is earned
Added padding to the image menus so the last characters image is not cut off by the frame
Menu themes all have dynamic backgrounds, and the music changes with theme selection.
Themes have their own selection screen, only accessible in the main menu, which prevents theme changes affecting a loaded game
Hot tub options appear in loop 2
Mai is now introduced in loop 3 (much earlier in the game). This should help players get all of her scenes naturally before group prom
Lexxx events have been reordered (prank, gym, dildo call, hot tub, night visit) so they can be done in order, in one loop
Each Lexxx scene grants Lexxx corruption (Zeta term has been removed as it doesnt apply here)
Lexxx corruption max is now 5 (which is the new requirement for group prom) *might require repeating her scenes
Day 5 evening Lexxx scene has been coded smoother to allow for repeating the scene
Added a “to be continued…” screen to indicate the end of Phase 1
Added a button on the “Load” screen called “Auto Saves” which takes you to page 69
Game auto saves after selecting group prom to slot 1 page 69
Game auto saves before the end of phase 1 to slot 2 page 69
Added visual indicators on the gallery images for multi-level scenes that have not been fully unlocked yet (1/3, 2/3)
Fixed Maid scene coding to prevent progression in replays
Fixed trophy notifications that were not appearing
Moved the “replay event” text button to the right bottom of the screen to make it more obvious (both XXXmas and Halloween)
Added a MC Knowledge Zeta – Beta testers will need to replay the end of the narrative event to get the stat, or console command zmcknowledge=1
Added buttons to MC’s stats screen to allow NTR and Futa content to be toggled on and off (In both cases, turning that content off hides indicators of missing content for that path) *this has caused a minor issue, in that you can scroll down to an empty screen in Alexa and Melvin’s galleries. No fix yet, but just scroll up if you have either of the options disabled.
Consolidated the two gym menus. Added all “go alone” options to the main gym menu, and removed MC
Removed MC from the movie night menu, replaced with “Skip the movie” text button. Alexa and Emily have their own icon for Lesbian and Futa scenes
Fixed some mislabelled hints
Fixed Bailey’s webcam clothing change scene was not viewable if you selected to skip laundry
Removed the option to skip post prom content. It’s needed for the story, if you hate that being gone, let me know.

Mai’s outfit has been modified to fit her role as a young professional at Ama-Zone
Mai side images have been updated to match
Tutorial scene – the option to play the tutorial comes up between jumps. It is repeatable from the trophy menu, and playable when it hasn’t been earned yet
Tutorial trophy
Endurance trophy is now animated
Spoiler free, narrative content additions, accessed after selecting the group prom option: Scene 1-8, with a new trophy and theme
Day 4 Evening – Futa scene
Day 5 Morning – Futa scene
“Pheromone” scenes have been retooled as “Hormone Spray” scenes (mostly unchanged)
OLD corruption scenes have been removed from the game
The NEW format Emily corruption scenes 1 and 2 have been added, all animations have been rerendered with increase FPS

Cheerleader Emily scene leveled up – Requires Emily Affinity Zeta Level 1
Ashley and Melvin study scene – Requires Ashley Corruption Level 1 Can be accessed after a time jump with the “get confident” option, or after a jump where Ashley gained her corruption point selecting “Where’s Ashley”
FUTA gym option – Requires FUTA options to be unlocked, and viewing the FUTA movie option (will require replaying the movie scene for returning players)
Futa is now a complete playable loop to prom, there is a check before the laundry event to turn Futa content on after gaining Emily’s Lesbian Zeta 1
Rerendered Meiko’s solo gym animation to get the frame rate up, it’s quite smooth now

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Download for free this amazing porn game. Sexbot – Version 1.42 Beta is a free adult game that can be described by the following tags: , , , , . L-aħħar aġġornament għal dan il-kontenut ttella ’fit-1 ta’ April, 2024 imma żomm ruħek aġġornat u segwina biex tirċievi l-aġġornamenti u l-ħarġiet il-ġodda kollha. Aħna nġibu wkoll aġġornamenti tal-logħob ta ’kwalità għolja kuljum, allura kun żgur li tivverifika l-logħob ġdid għall-adulti u l-logħob tas-sess, tniżżilhom u tgawdi esperjenza unika. Tagħna 3D Logħob għall-Adulti Logħob Interattiv Logħob Milf & Mature Logħob Naked joffri esperjenza tal-għaġeb li ġġiegħlek tixtieq tilgħabhom u terġa 'ddoqqhom. Igawdu dan il-kontenut għall-adulti b'xejn u l-bqija tal-porn ta 'kwalità għolja fuq AdultGamesOn.

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1 kumment. Ħallih ġdid

  • Trevor Filippini
    Frar 16, 2024 12: 39 am

    The Best animations, no lag at all, very funny, nice skins, good music, original content. I like very much!


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