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Tniżżil bla limitu.

Issa, l-uniku limitu huwa l-immaġinazzjoni tiegħek.

Sena: 2016
Data tar-Rilaxx: 06.09.2016
Genre: Games, whiteraven, deepthroat, interracial, oldman, fatman, creatures, blowjob, forced sex, fantasy, warrior, elves, elf, goblin, all sex
Kategorija: Logħob tas-Sess għall-Adulti
Pjattaforma: PC / Windows
Ċensura: Le
Lingwa: Ingliż

Dan Rigali adulti Game:

The game will be about Lisa, her miserable life and her stupid choices that leads her into trouble. The game will not only be a story of a the miserable girl that gets used by everyone, the main story is somewhere else in a different universe.

Lisa has an ability to get herself into trouble and one day she travels to another dimension called Uxerath, where demons, elves and ogres are in war against each others over who will rule Uxerath.

Here she’ll face many different creatures with different sizes on their genitials. Losing battles will always drigger scenes in Uxerath, in the beginning Lisa holes is thight but as the story goes (Losing alot of battles) the monster will stretch her holes or if the holes are to small for the particular monster she’ll lose life and walk slower for a shorter amount of time.

Lisa will have different points to gather: submission points that makes her easier to dominate and corruption points that makes her want more sex.

Each of the points will also lead to different endings, the player will also have a change to affect the endings. In Uxerath Lisa can be defeated and will be used by the creature then. Bad endings will also appear, doing different combinations and loosing against some creatures.

However bad endings wont trigger game over, so you don’t have to worry about getting that!
Everything that’s happening in Uxerath will affect the real world, if the demons/ogres rules the real world will be meaner and darker and vice versa if Uxerath are ruled by the elves the real world will be more pure and nicer.

However the characters in the modern world is not connected to the characters in Uxerath
Now Lisa is faced with a choice! Which side will she choose? Will she help the elves to conquer or will she help the ogres enslave the elves? Everything is up to you!


verżjoni 0.4.0
+ Added a new scene, text and CG to describe the gloryhole scene.
+ Added a variation of the gloryhole scene, can play it once per day.
+ A new scene and a new option at the inn in Nugkor, now you can pay in kind (With yourbody) you’ll need to gather points for this one!
+ A new scene, a text variation for multiply visits at the inn.
+ A new scene, day 12 office (Only plays if a special condition is met talk to Henry)
+ Changed the repeatable club scenes, more people will be at the club on weekends includingall of the current scenes.
+ Changed the design of how to replay seen scenes and added one more scene to the book.

+ Added another day and work tasks, now 14 playable days, 4 days is weekends where you cansleep in your bed at day time and visit the night club.

+ 5 new area (Total 84 in the game).
+ Added a new area in Haranto (Pub)
+ Added a new area in Haranto (Restaurant)
+ Added a new area in Haranto (Jail inside the castle)
+ Added a new area in Uxerath
+ Added a new area in Uxerath (farm)
+ 1 new quests (Total 16 quests in the game)

+ A new quest in Uxerath (Main story, not play able yet)
+ 2 new Items (Total 29 in the game)
+ Virgin oil that makes your pussy tighter
+ Virgin oil that makes your ass hole tighter
+ Added 6 more renders/CG/pictures (Total 159in the game)
+ Added a text status on submission, the game has 6 different submission status up to 150 submission points.
+ Added a text status on corruption, the game has 3 different corruption status up to 75 corruption points.

+ Fixed the day Ned bump into Lisa, should be on day 9 not day 8…
+ Changed an event from gathering submission points to corruption points.
+ Fixed a bug at Henrys office day 11
+ Fixed a bug Vanessas door crashed the game.
+ Fixed a bug you could enter the old man’s house at weekends.
+ Fixed a bug,you could sleep when meeting the landlord at day 8.

+ Fixed a bug resets submission stats when testing the office clothe.
+ Fixed a bug a variable messed up the rat quest.
+ Fixed a tile in the shop
+ Fixed double henry event on Friday at club
+ Fixed a bug you could only sleep once in the Nugkor inn (Or the quest objective wasrevealed again)
Hotfix version
+ Fixed abug at club with ned (removed big D)
+ Fixed abug at club (Event fired twice)



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